No olvidemos a quienes desde la infancia cargan el pesado yugo de la discriminación. Su vida al ras de la tierra, pasa desapercibida por nuestra vista.

REPORT | Joint report presented by Mexican civil society organizations on the occasion of the second Universal Periodic Review of Mexico

Civil Society Organizations (OSC) released a joint report about the situation of human rights in Mexico, in preparation for the second round of the Universal Periodic Review. The report will be presented before the Human Rights Council this October in Geneva, Switzerland. The document highlights the exponential increase in human rights violations, mainly derived from the context of violence and impunity that exists in the country.

More than 30 organizations contributed to the production of the report, which contains eleven themes that are of OSC concern: legislative harmonization; poverty and economic, social, cultural and environmental rights; access to justice and judicial reforms; the prison system; public security and militarization; forced disappearance and torture; indigenous peoples; human rights defenders and journalists; migrants; women; and finally, youth and infancy.

DOWNLOAD: UPR-Join-report-mexico

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